This build is used to presure mellee but mostly to shutdown a monk and kill him while he can't act.
You use diversion on the monk and use Wrastelsworry to cover it and deal dmmg.
On mellee you cast empathy and backfire on monk with wrastelsworry.
Interupt res with cry of furstration.
Ps:When monk or caster can't act also use overload to deal dmmg.
[build prof=Me/? name="mesmer aura" fas=8 dom=12 ins=10][Empathy][Backfire][Diversion][Cry of Frustration][Overload][Wastrel's Worry][Lyssa's Aura][Resurrection Signet][/build]
And use a 40/40 domination set to cast and a spear 30 hp +5 enrgy and a shield -2 while ench and 30hp while under attack.
1+2 domination headset
hp armour all survivor and a sup vigor rune.